Top 5 tips for managing burnout during the pandemic

1) Be KIND to yourself. Navigating work, home, family AND the pandemic, is alot. Just naming it is helpful. Be gentle, kind and compassionate with yourself.

2) Audit what you can let go of. Stream-line and a simplify your schedule as much as you can, and see where you can save time or make efficiencies (for example, cut out unnecessary meetings, order groceries online, meal prep to make the week easier, call in help from friends and family)

3) Cover the basics - Sleep, good food and commitments, let the rest go, for now, you can pick things back up as you are more able. Taking care of your basic food, sleep, hygiene and family needs for a while is totally ok. Cant get out for that 30 min workout 3-4 times a week, a simple 5 minute walk can work wonders for your mental health. Simplify, and be ok with it, give yourself a break.

4) Talk to co-workers, family, friends, your boss, name the burnout. It helps a lot to relieve any fear or shame around the feeling. Expressing it will also help others.

5) Keep your space tidy and clean, it will really help your mental health. Declutter, and keep things basic.


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